Farm Fashion Friday…
Today I’ll share a little farm fashion you can use regardless of your style. This is good for handling anything life throws at you. It’s the perfect outfit no matter the weather or the situation.
1- Put those shoulders back.
2- Stand talk and confident.
3- Fix your eyes and don’t blink or look away.
4- Stay aware and alert.
5- Smile on the inside because you are a child of the Most High. This will inadvertently leak out.
This is great for facing any challenge. Be it an animal, a child throwing all they have at getting their way or even someone/something trying to intimidate you.
Often times when we are unsure, we will avert our eyes, looks away, roll in our shoulders or even twiddle our thumbs. But truth is that you must remain confident. Body language is the first giveaway to our opponent. If we stand firm, and our body language remains steadfast, it can catapult our words and we can get the job done. If the opponent sees our body language to be shaken, they know they have a foothold and thats the beginning of the end.
So stand firm. Stand in the truth you know. Stand in the authority you have in the situation.
The most intimidating thing you can do when threatened… is show no fear, stand your ground and look that crazy animal in the eye. Unless it’s a bear or a lion… then you run unless you are prepared for said animal. I mean, even King David killed one with his bare hands.
Happy Friday y’all!